Earn money from your site

Vaven provides new Ad channel with the best CTR on the market.

Connect your website to Vaven and start monetizing your impressions.

New Ad channel for every website

Vaven's platform is designed to help website owners and publishers generate additional income by monetizing their website traffic.

Connect your site to Vaven

With Vaven, adding ad widgets to your website is a breeze. All you need to do is add a small piece of code to your website, and Vaven takes care of the rest. By using Vaven you can focus on growing your business and creating a better experience for your visitors. Vaven handles all aspects of ad widget placement, optimization, and revenue tracking, allowing you to focus on what you do best.

Get started

You just need 3 things to get started with Vaven.

Vaven recommends websites with target customers for their product or service, so you can immediately begin to generate additional income.

Online media publisher

Vaven is perfect for online publishers, making Vaven as a new channel that has higher CTR than any other Ad network on the market.

Vaven is designed to help website owners and publishers connect relevant products with the content on their website, making it easier to monetize their traffic and generate additional income. With Vaven, you can host many different ad widgets from a variety of advertisers, allowing you to offer a wide range of products and services to your visitors.

Whether you have a blog, a news website, or any type of content, hosting ad widgets from advertisers is a great way to monetize your website traffic and generate additional income. With Vaven, you can easily connect with advertisers and host ad widgets that are relevant to your website content and audience.

When you host ad widgets on your website, you will get paid for every click that you provide to the advertiser. Vaven supports CPM model and handles all aspects of revenue tracking and payment processing.

Works better than Ads

Vaven helps you create a seamless and engaging experience for your customers.


up to 10x better CTR than industry standard


average increase in engagement rate


FREE to start selling without your own e-store


Connect your website to Vaven and start monetizing your impressions. With Vaven it's easy to connect relevant products with the content on your website. You can host many different Ad widgets from many advertisers and earn additional income.

Vaven uses AI recommendation tool using ChatGPT to helps you find the best website for advertising your products or services.

Send invitation to website you want to advertise. Beside personal message, you will make an informative offer for advertising with the start - end of campaign and estimated budget you want to spend.

Endless options for every business

Increase sales with Vaven widget on your website and place it where your end customers are.

Start using Vaven now!

Up to 50k free impressions monthly on your website. No credit card required.

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