Place your Ad widget on any website

Create special offer with Vaven widget, expose it on your website or anywhere. Grow revenue easy and fast.

Add your website

Fill fields with the name of your website, domain and select categories that defines your business.

Edit how you want widget to look like

Adjust colours, fonts and other options to match the appearance of the Ad widget to style of your website.

Verify your domain with one click

Verify your domain by "copy-paste" the code to website "head" or with a one click installation using Google Tag Manager.

Sell more with Vaven

Build your own Ad network that enables the most accurate targeting of end customers and selling without having your own e-store.


Send invitation to any website or use recommendation tool to find best Ad partners with your target audience. Start advertising on websites with the best ROI.

Ecommerce integration

You don't have an on-line store and want to start selling digital products or physical products? No problem. Vaven widget has integrated e-store. It's activated in seconds and 100% free.

Works better than Ads

Create a better experiences for your visitors and a shorter deal cycle for your sales team.


up to 10x better CTR than industry standard


average increase in engagement rate


FREE to start selling without your own e-store


Exposing your special offer on your website will help you sell more. Vaven recommendation tool helps you find Ad partners with your target customers and to reach the best ROI for your campaign.

Connect your website to Vaven and start monetizing your impressions. With Vaven it's easy to connect relevant products with the content on your website. You can host many different Ad widgets from many advertisers and earn additional income.

Send invitation to website you want to advertise. Beside personal message, you will make an informative offer for advertising with the start - end of campaign and estimated budget you want to spend.

Endless options for every business

Increase sales with Vaven widget on your website and place it where your end customers are.

Start using Vaven now!

Up to 50k free impressions monthly on your website. No credit card required.

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